
Last updated January 11, 2021

This Cookie Policy describes how our community at Luxury Communications Ltd, operating as Shephard Communications and (“Company”, “website”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) uses cookies and similar technologies to provide, customise, evaluate, improve, promote and protect us. If you have any comments or questions about this Cookie Policy, feel free to contact us at



Cookies are small pieces of text sent to your browser when you visit a site. They serve a variety of functions, like enabling us to remember certain information you provide to us as you navigate between pages on the website. We use cookies on the website and associated domains of and on Shephard Communications web and mobile applications for the following purposes:

  • Authentication, Customisation, Security and Other Functional Cookies. Cookies help us verify the device used, so we can make it easier for you to access the website and provide the appropriate experiences and features.

  • Performance and Analytics. Cookies help us analyse how the website is being accessed and used, and enable us to track performance of the pages within the website. For example, we use cookies to determine how many times a page has been viewed.

  • Opting Out. You can set your browser to not accept cookies, but this may limit your ability to use the Services. You can also opt out of receiving interest-based ads from certain ad networks here (or if located in the European Union, here).


We may update this Cookie Policy from time to time. When we make changes, we’ll update the “Effective Date” at the top of the Cookie Policy and post it on our sites. We encourage you to check back periodically to review this Cookie Policy for any changes since your last visit.